With their crystal-clear water and incredible variety of marine life, Cozumel’s reefs offer an underwater experience you won’t soon forget.
The waters surrounding the island are so clear that visibility can be up to 250 feet, opening up a world of beauty unlike any other.
As many as 250 different species of fish can be seen in Cozumel’s waters; one of the most spectacular is the Queen Angelfish, possessing bright blue-and-yellow markings and the distinctive blue “crown” on the top of the head. You can even catch a glimpse of the Toad fish, found nowhere else in the world. Making its home in the holes along the reef, this fish grows from 12 to 16 inches in length. It has the distinction of being one of the world’s fastest eaters: it can capture and eat a whole fish in milliseconds- faster than the blink of an eye!
In addition to the colorful fish, Cozumel boasts some of the biggest and most spectacular sponge formations in the world. Fed
by a continuous current bringing a steady supply of food to the reefs, some sponges, such as the Elephant Ear sponge, can grow as large as 12 feet across. Other sponges, like the Barrel sponge, gain considerable size as well.
On the surface Cozumel has a number of unusual features and include certain endemic species, such as the dwarf raccoon(procyon pygmaeus) and the Cozumel wren(nasua nelsoni) Migratory birds also rely heavily on the richly productive feeding grounds of the reef, which supports populations of magnificent frigate birds, brown pelican, olivaceous cormorant, and many others. The prehistoric iguana and the crocodile are the state’s largest lizards and there are a host of amphibians, tree frogs are particularly colorful, their bright hues a warning to predators.
The island of Cozumel derives its name from the Mayan words Cuzam (swallow) and Lumil (land of), which join to form the word Cuzamil (land of swallows). Over time, the word Cuzamil evolved to the Spanish name of Cozumel. The Mayans believed the island to be a sacred shrine.
Inherent to Cozumel’s modern present is a past rich in Maya history -one that’s preserved and shared through annual festivals, cultural sites and ancient ruins. All serve as reminders of this enduring heritage that continues to play a role in the everyday life of Cozumelenos and island guests.
Visitors can explore, experience and gain a sense of the strength of Maya culture at several sites.
The largest archaeological site on the island, San Gervasio was a sacred Mayan center, as well as a strategic political and commercial hub. San Gervasio takes its name from an agricultural and cattle ranch which was founded by Mr. Gervasio Novelo in 1858. While the original name is unknown, it is believed that it could have been “Tan Tun” (Over Rock).
Continuously occupied from 200 A.D. until the Spanish conquest, San Gervasio served as a sanctuary to Goddess Ixchel, the goddess of fertility. Pilgrims from the entire Mayan world were drawn to the site to worship her.
During the post-classic period between 1200-1530, San Gervasio became the biggest and most significant site on the island. At its central square, visitors can walk among the ruins of what were the most important temples – nine buildings that formed an enclosed patio and from where three roads communicated with other squares. Bilingual plaques describe each structure.
- Diver 1 week————-$1479USD
- Non diver 1 week——–$889USD
- Single diver 1 week——$1969USD
- Diver 2 weeks———–$2839USD
- Non Diver 2 weeks——$1649USD
- Single Diver 2 weeks—$3569USD